Review Stereo Times – Exquisite Cables

In September 2022 Bill Wells from Stereo Times wrote a great review on the Exquisite loudspeaker and power cables. It was a great opportunity for someone who also reviewed the Elegance dB7-S together with Elegance cables (see review here) to experience the Exquisite level in a different product.

Or, as Bill wrote: “Ironically, what I actually experienced was a significant challenge to stay on task with doing the necessary listening, taking notes, and later writing this review. With these cables in place – listening to music often rendered me into writer’s block through a state of laziness for writing, that is, with a greater desire to listen as often and to as many of my favorite tunes as possible. Musical realism is a trademark of Kharma International and superb quality through pristine craftsmanship.

Even though these cables are on the pricey side of the equation, given how they can raise the sonic performance of a high-end audio system, I feel this makes them worthy of consideration. Removing these cables from my system and returning them to the factory in the Netherlands created a temporary sense of loss, requiring a period of adjustment. And although I’ve recovered – the memory lingers on. Congratulations to Kharma International for designing and developing such wonder cables, and my sincere thanks to the fine folks at the company’s headquarters who helped make this review possible.” 

If you like to read the whole review, click here.

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