Kharma present during the High End Show Munich

Upcoming May 14-17, 2015 Kharma will be present during the High End Audio show in Munich. During this show Kharma will reveal new products and technologies, which will be all world premieres!

During High End Munich Kharma will present the new Enigma Veyron driver in the Exquisite Midi Grand speakers, paired with the Exquisite electronics, the P1000 and MP1000. As a visitor of the High End Munich show, you will be the first to experience the Ultimate experience of Audio Engineering. Kharma will also reveal a new stand development for the Exquisite line, called the Exquisite Diamond Stand. This stand will be presented together with the Exquisite Midi speaker. Throughout the show, Kharma will also demonstrate the Exquisite Classique and the Elegance dB11-S together with partners.

Don’t miss it! We look forward seeing you there, we will be awaiting for you at Atrium 4.2 F227.

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