Kharma during high-end Munich 2016

Kharma International invites attendees of Munich High End 2016 to experience with us a new Dutch Masterpiece for a new age- the Enigma Veyron. As part of the continuing program to develop the world’s most technically advanced and aesthetically beautiful audio products, Kharma International is proud to introduce at Munich’s High End 2016 the Enigma Veyron EV-2, part of the most extreme and extraordinary line of ultra-performance loudspeakers in the world today.

Inside the EV’2’s elegant yet massive Bulletwood cabinet lies the next evolution in dynamic driver systems. For alongside a triple array of 1” and 2” diamond tweeters is a double compliment of our own gemstones- the Kharma Omega-F 7” and 11” drivers. In short, Kharma has employed a completely new and unique motor system that has eliminated the need for iron as a focusing element.

Kharma is named for the notion that the tremendous effort and energy we put in to all that we design and build is something tangible that can be experienced in ownership. Celebrate with us the transcendent result of applying nearly 35 years of design experience to proprietary technologies and no-limit, exotic materials. Be part of what will be one of the most talked about events in audio for 2016, and experience the latest Dutch Masterpiece.

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